Home Garden

Do Cut Flowers Last Longer in Warm or Cold Water?

Cut flowers are brought inside and placed in water to help preserve their blooms as they decorate the home. Water allows the flowers to stay crisp and moist, and the temperature of the water helps determine the effect that you achieve.
  1. For Longevity

    • For flowers to stay crisp and colorful for longer periods, place them in water that is cool to the touch. Immediately after they are cut, plunge flowers into cool water up to the flower heads for a few minutes to help revive them and keep the stems strong.

    For Immediate Revival

    • According to the New York Times, florists use warm water only to revive wilting flowers. Plants absorb warm water quickly, which keeps them from wilting, but the warm water also dehydrates them, which shortens their life overall. For badly wilted stems, plunge the flowers briefly in water that is between 180 and 200 degrees Fahrenheit and then refrigerate the flowers for six hours.


    • To further preserve the life of a cut flower, remove all the leaves below the water line. This forces more resources to the bloom, so that it looks fresher longer. Also add commercial flower preservative to the water, to allow the plant some more resources that keep it looking good.