Home Garden

Artificial Winter Plants

Using artificial plants in the winter can keep a home or yard decorative all year long. When the spring flowers are gone and the grass is dead or covered in snow, a drab or dreary feeling may fall upon a home. Regardless of the growing zone, having a bit of green or color is possible with the use of carefully fabricated artificial plants. Whether indoors or out, these fake plants add decoration to a winter world.
  1. Poinsettia

    • The poinsettia gives a layered look of red and green

      The naturally winter-blooming poinsettia plant is available in lush and realistic fake counterparts. While some avid gardeners grow these red flowering plants for winter decoration and the Christmas season, the artificial variety pose easy care and little or no mess. Without needing food or water, the fake poinsettia survives and the flowers will not wither and drop. Spend a little more for the most realistic plant possible. Silk and fabric plants can be stored away for use year after year saving the consumer money in the long run.


    • Holly adds deep colors to a room or area.

      The naturally winter-blooming poinsettia plant is available in lush and realistic fake counterparts. While some avid gardeners grow these red flowering plants for winter decoration and the Christmas season, the artificial variety pose easy care and little or no mess. Without needing food or water, the fake poinsettia survives and the flowers will not wither and drop. Spend a little more for the most realistic plant possible. Silk and fabric plants can be stored away for use year after year saving the consumer money in the long run.


    • Mistletoe offers light greens and white decoration

      The deep green, jagged and curled leaves of the holly and its colorful berries make this plant a viable selection for the winter months. While the plant grows in the hardest of winter seasons, the artificial version works well. Available in bush or vine varieties, these fake plants can be used to decorate a doorway, walkway or hallway. Look for versions already potted and with thick leaves for a more realistic appearance. Select artificial plants with the most red berries possible to add the most color to a room or space.


    • Evergreens appear natural outside in the winter.

      Possibly one of the most recognized artificial plants of winter is the evergreen tree. Decorated for the Christmas season each year, it's earned a reputation as the Christmas tree. Beyond this season, artificial fir and pine trees are available in high quality to use for decoration. Tall, thinly groomed artificial firs may be used to add a touch of green to any room or placed along a sidewalk to give a manicured appearance.