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Hydroponics & Temperature

Hydroponics systems keep plant roots suspended in water instead of putting the plant in soil. Plants are very vulnerable to the temperature of their environment. Hydroponics gardeners often grow their plants indoors so they have more control of the environment.
  1. Temperature Drop

    • Hydroponic gardeners should keep their plants at the most optimal temperature, but also let the temperature drop 10 degrees at night, since these drops are what the plants are adapted to.

    Mold Growth

    • Water promotes the growth of molds, since these organisms need a lot of moisture to survive. Hydroponics systems can keep mold under control by keeping the temperature between 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

    System Problems

    • Low temperatures can cause the water in the hydroponics system to freeze. Really hot temperatures can cause the water to evaporate more quickly, which requires the grower to more quickly replenish water.

    Temperature Maintenance

    • Hydroponics growers might want their plants to have a certain temperature, while sustaining a different temperature in the rest of their homes. One cheap way to accomplish this is to set up two blowers, with a higher blower sucking hot air in and blowing it towards the plant and a lower blower blowing cold air away from the system.