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Fresh Cut Rose Care

Whether growing your own roses or receiving them as a gift, the proper care of cut roses is important for lasting beauty indoors. Growing your own roses provides beauty both indoors and out and is a rewarding endeavor. When you cut the flowers and bring them inside to enjoy, follow the appropriate procedures to ensure longer lasting blooms.
  1. Cutting Fresh Roses

    • When cutting roses directly from the plant, cut the blooms as soon as the two outer petals open. Early morning or late afternoon are good times to cut roses. Place them in water immediately after cutting. Remove excess leaves and cut another inch off the stem of the rose while it is in water. An air bubble forms in the stem when you cut roses outdoors. By cutting off another inch of the stem, this air bubble is released.

    Preparing the Container

    • It is important that you place your cut roses in a clean vase that has been disinfected. Wash the container with soap and water initially, then disinfect with one part bleach to nine parts water. Rinse well with warm water. As you are preparing the container, soak the cut roses in warm water with a floral preservative that reduces the pH levels, adds carbohydrates and reduces bacterial growth. After the container has been sufficiently washed and disinfected, pour in the warm water with the floral preservative that the stems have been soaking in.

    Preparing Commercial Roses

    • Commercial fresh cut roses are available year round in a variety of colors. Generally, when you purchase roses commercially they come with a preservative packet. Mix this packet according to the instructions with warm water. Cut about 1 inch off the stems while under water. The type of cut, whether at a slant or straight across, is not important; just perform it while the stem is submersed in water. Use the warm water solution in a container, arrange your flowers and enjoy.


    • Placing the roses in the appropriate area inside is another factor to consider in prolonging their life after cutting. Do no place them in direct sunlight or in drafty areas. A cooler area is the best place for cut roses. If a floral preservative packet does not accompany your roses, you can concoct your own. One recipe includes 1/2 tsp. bleach, 1 pint non-cola, non-diet soda such as 7-up and 1 pint warm water.