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How to Clip Russian Sage for a Bouquet

As an ornamental shrub in your landscaping, Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) is an easy care, attractive perennial plant with blue-gray foliage and soft lavender flower spikes blooming throughout the summer. For a full-looking shrub and abundant flower spikes, heavily prune the Russian sage in the spring, since new blooms grow on old wood and pruning promotes the development of flower spikes and new branches. The soft foliage and delicate looking flower spikes are often used in flower bouquets for a filler flower, with a vase life of about five days. Clipping flower spikes from your Russian sage during the summer for bouquets promotes more flowering on your shrub.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand shears or snips
  • Container
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      Select Russian sage flower spikes for your flower bouquet that have the flowers just beginning to open. Since Russian sage does not have a long vase life, selecting flower spikes that are at the beginning of the flowering cycle gives you the longest cut flowering time.

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      Find the third or fourth set of leaves on the stem, below the flowering spike. This is where you clip off the Russian sage flower spike so the branch is encouraged to develop new growth and flower spikes.

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      Use sharp shears or garden snips to clip the Russian sage stem at a diagonal.

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      Place the clipped stem immediately into a container of lukewarm water. Warm water is absorbed up the flower stem easier and faster than cool water. The quicker you can hydrate the stem and flower spike after clipping it from the shrub, the longer the Russian sage lasts in your flower bouquet.

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      Use the hand shears to make a 1 inch or more cut up the center of the Russian sage stem. Russian sage stems are soft wood and opening up the end of the clipped stem further promotes adequate water uptake to the flower spike. Also remove, at this time, any foliage that would be submerged in the vase water of your flower bouquet.