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Why Fresh Cut Flowers Need Sugar Water

Fresh cut flowers brighten up any room, but without proper care, fresh flowers will wilt within days. Cut flowers have some stored energy, but providing sugar water for nourishment helps fresh flowers bloom longer. However, plain sugar water will also feed bacteria and fungi that damage cut flowers, so always add a germicide to sugar water.
  1. Role of Sugar Water

    • Flowers get energy through photosynthesis, performed by their green leaves. Cut flowers are no longer connected to most of their leaves, which means they can't produce or access energy. Even if the cut flowers have some green leaves, the leaves can't perform photosynthesis effectively while indoors. Providing sugar for cut flowers provides the energy the flowers need to bloom and stay fresh.

    Sugar Water Options

    • Commercial flower preservatives contain sucrose, a type of sugar, as well as an acidifier and microorganism growth inhibitor. If you don't have a commercial flower preservative, you can mix 1 part lemon-lime soda with 3 parts water. Don't use diet soda, because it doesn't contain real sugar and has too much acid. Alternatively, dissolve 1 tsp. sugar in a quart of warm water and add 1/4 tsp. bleach and 2 tsp. lemon juice. Don't add aspirin or vinegar.

    Setting Up Cut Flowers

    • Setting up cut flowers correctly extends the life of the flowers. Wash and dry a vase. Cut a few inches of the stems of the flowers while holding them underwater. This prevents air from moving up the flowers. Place them in clean, hot water with a commercial flower preservative or homemade sugar solution. Place flowers in the refrigerator for an hour or two to maximize water uptake.

    Cut Flower Care

    • Display cut flowers in a cool location away from drafts, radiators, direct sunlight and televisions. Do not place flowers near fresh fruit, which release ethylene gas. Put flowers in the refrigerator at night and while you're not at home. Check the water level each day and add more water when necessary. Add more floral preservative according to the label instructions or every four days.