Home Garden

Ideas for Ways to Hang Baskets From Low Ceilings

Use hanging baskets for a variety of purposes around your home, such as hanging fruit in the kitchen, hanging stuffed animals in a kid's room or hanging potted plants in a sunroom or on a porch. If you have low ceilings, hanging baskets may be hazardous or inconvenient, but there are a few ways to hang baskets from low ceilings and make them work for you.
  1. Corners

    • If you don't need a hanging basket to be the focal point of the room, hang the basket in a corner to keep it out of the way. If you still have concerns over someone running into the basket, rearrange the furniture. A strategically placed couch or chair can direct room traffic away from the corner and keep the hanging basket safe. Just distance the couch or chair far enough from the hanging basket so it's not in the way when someone sits down.

    Tables, Dressers or Counters

    • Tables, dresser surfaces and countertops provide additional furniture-based options for hanging baskets from low ceilings. Since no one can walk where a table, dresser or counter sits in a room, hanging the basket over one of these pieces helps ensure that no one can bump into the basket. Depending on the height of the ceiling, the basket may hang down almost to the surface, so avoid trailing plants and other items that may hang down and be in the way.

    Up a Notch

    • When you hang baskets from a ceiling, you do not have to let the hanging wire or chain extend to its full length. Shorten a wire hanger by wrapping the wire around the hook in the ceiling a few times to move the basket up toward the ceiling. If the basket has a chain for hanging, take the chain up a few links to shorten the length of the basket hanger. If you take a hanging planter up toward the ceiling, leave enough space for plants to fully form.

    Ceiling Removal

    • In some instances, you may be able to extend the amount of space you have to hang a basket by raising the level of a low ceiling. If a room has a drop ceiling or suspended ceiling, for instance, remove one of the tiles from the drop ceiling to gain access to the permanent ceiling located above it. Attach the hook for the hanging basket to the permanent ceiling, and let the basket hang down through the ceiling into the room.