Home Garden

Pros & Cons of Stranded Bamboo Flooring

Choosing grass as a flooring material for your home may sound ridiculous. However, selecting flooring made from bamboo, which is a grass, provides one of the most durable, economical and exquisite floor coverings available. The process in creating strand bamboo flooring results in an alternative flooring material to traditional hardwoods. Manufacturing strand bamboo flooring begins by cutting long strips of bamboo from stalks. Boiling the strips removes the sugar, making them less attractive to termites. Final steps include weaving, pressing and moulding the bamboo into durable, aesthetically pleasing floor planks.
  1. Pro: Durability

    • The manufacturing process of pressing and moulding several strands of bamboo into strand bamboo flooring results in a stronger and more durable product. Bamboo varieties vary in hardness with Moso being the hardest of the species. Color, grain patterns and maturation time of the bamboo also determine its hardness. Strand bamboo flooring holds up well in a home's high traffic areas with children and pets. As with any natural flooring material, claw marks from a pet or shoe scuffs may show on the floor making it appear worn or old.

    Con: Adhesive

    • No industry standard exists as to what type of adhesive is used to bind strand bamboo flooring together. Some adhesives contain volatile organic compounds (VOC) that are emitted into the air as harmful gases. Health issues which may arise from exposure to VOCs include headaches or eye, nose and throat irritations. Nausea or damage to the liver, kidney, or central nervous system are also health problems which may be a result of VOC exposure. Strand bamboo flooring manufactured with VOC-free adhesive is preferred.

    Con: Laquer

    • A poor quality lacquer applied to strand bamboo flooring often chips and scratches easily, leaving unattractive marks. Determining what kind of lacquer has been applied is difficult through visual examination. Beware of purchasing strand bamboo flooring at a low cost with a substandard warranty, which may indicate an inferior finish that will ultimately shorten the lifespan of your floor, costing you more money when the floor needs to be prematurely refinished or replaced.

    Pro: Cost

    • Strand bamboo flooring is budget friendly. At a cost of about 50 percent less than traditional hardwood flooring, you can save money as well as the environment. Hardwood trees take approximately 60 to 120 years to reach maturity, whereas bamboo can be harvested about every four to six years. Bamboo is a strong and durable grass when manufactured into strand bamboo flooring, making it an ideal eco-friendly flooring option.