Home Garden

How to Mix Carpet & Wood Flooring in a Home

Many homes have either carpet or wood in all of their rooms. To some, this uniformity is boring and prevents each room from looking unique. Installing wood floors along with carpet will add interest to your home. Both carpet and wood can be installed together in the same room, used only in rooms or areas of the home most suited for each material, or installed to allow a room to stand out.


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      Place wood flooring in the entryway of the home. Then, install carpeting in other rooms in the house. The entry way gets a constant amount of traffic. Wood is usually more durable, and cleaning muddy footprints and sweeping up dirt is less difficult on wood.

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      Border the room with wood flooring and install carpeting in the center. This mixed-flooring design is often used in living rooms. The wood border gets the most traffic, keeping the carpet cleaner. The pad of carpet in the center adds decor and defines a space in which to place living room furniture.

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      Install wood floors only in parts of the home that receive a lot of foot traffic or where you eat. The entryway, dining room, kitchen and even bathrooms are common places to install wood floors. Also install wood flooring in a room where you want to add some interest, such as the parlor or living room.