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Do It Yourself Flooring With Wine Corks

While wine corks are often tossed into the garbage, they can be used to create a durable and decorative floor. Wine corks are formed from the same cork material found in a roll of cork flooring. Transform bottle corks by slicing them into flat discs and arranging on a flat surface. This enables you to refinish your floor in a beautiful way while making use of a material that would have been thrown away.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharp knife
  • Fine grout
  • Trowel
  • Washcloth
  • Paint tray
  • Clear sealant
  • Paint roller
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      Slice wine bottle corks into inch-thick discs, using a sharp knife.

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      Spread an inch-thick layer of fine grout over the entire floor, using the trowel.

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      Press each cork disc halfway into the grout, positioning each disc flat and spacing 1/4 inch apart. Cover the entire floor with cork discs.

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      Scrape excess grout off the cork discs, using the trowel. Wipe off the tops of the discs with a washcloth, then allow the cork floor to air dry for 24 to 36 hours.

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      Fill a paint tray with clear, matte latex sealant, coat a long-handled paint roller in it and apply sealant over the cork flooring to make an even layer. Allow the sealant to dry for 24 hours before walking on the cork floor.