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Crackle Painting Tips

The natural cause of the effect that can be simulated creatively through painting with a crackle technique is the result of variations in humidity and other weather conditions. Rather than waiting for the weather to do its job, you can speed up the process by engaging the crackle technique of applying a special crackle medium over a base coat. Some tips can help you stave off unnecessary frustration and smooth over the process.
  1. Precision

    • Precision is almost impossible when painting with the crackle technique. For this reason, the best results are obtained by using it on items of a smaller scale with less surface area than a wall or ceiling.


    • Since crackling is not a precise art, you will want to do all you can to keep from having to redo the entire job. Reducing the potential for frustration over the result can be achieved by first experimenting with variations of the thickness of the coats of crackle medium and topcoat. Use a spare piece of board that has been primed for practicing on.

    Crackling a Wall

    • Walls can be painted in the crackle style, but a precise and conforming appearance is exceptionally difficult. The most efficient approach to crackling a wall is to approach it in smaller segments.

    Effect Through Contrast

    • The cracks that are created by this painting technique can vary significantly in appearance. You can impact this appearance directly by choosing paint colors that contrast with one another. The greater the contrast between the base and topcoat, the more vivid will be the cracks.

    Brush Stroke

    • Another way to manipulate the appearance achieved by crackling lies in your choice of application. Both vertical and horizontal cracks can be obtained by painting with a brush both up and down and sideways. More dramatically outlined cracks will be the result of a continuous brush stroke in just one direction.

    Effect of Water Addition

    • Achieving very fine cracks that provide a more subtle effect can also be created by direct action. The more water that is added to the crackle medium, the fewer cracks will be produced. In addition to fewer cracks, this approach also creates finer cracks. Reducing the amount of water added to the crackle medium will give you both more and thicker cracks.

    Two-Person Job

    • A larger crackling job can literally require two people. Inspect the time period limitations on the crackle medium supplied by the manufacturer. Since covering the entirety of a large area with a topcoat may not be possible within the limit imposed by the manufacturer, this becomes a job for two people who can split the jobs of applying the base coat and the crackling medium.