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How to Use Stain to Antique Paint

There are products on the market designed specifically for antiquing, but wood stain is an inexpensive alternative. Wood stain will seep into cracks in the paint and create an antique finish by highlighting existing imperfections. This technique is especially well suited to older furniture that may otherwise need an excessive amount of sanding.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic sheet
  • Gloves
  • Wood stain
  • Wire brush
  • Medium-grade sandpaper
  • Fine-grade sandpaper
  • Fine-grade steel wool
  • Acetone
  • Paper towels
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      Protect the work area using plastic sheet. Wear protective gloves.

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      Sand paint from the edges and corners of the item using medium-grade sandpaper. If you cannot remove enough paint this way, use steel wool dipped in acetone.

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      Scratch lines in the painted finish using a wire brush.

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      Lightly sand the item using fine-grade sandpaper.

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      Dip the edge of a fine-grade steel wool pad in wood stain. Squeeze the pad to remove excess stain. Gently run thevpad over the areas you wish to darken, concentrating on corners and edges.

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      Remove excess stain using a clean steel wool pad. If you cannot remove enough stain, dip the steel wool in acetone.