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How to Make Static-Cling Stickers With Plastic Wrap

Making static-cling stickers with plastic wrap is a creative and inexpensive way to create holiday window clings or for any occasion. Homemade window clings add a personalized touch to your windows, a mirror or another smooth, flat surface, such as a refrigerator. Whether you are making a cling that contains your monogram, a child's super hero character, a flower or any other design, the options are many for these colorful stickers.

Things You'll Need

  • Picture pattern
  • Piece of glass, Plexiglas or mirror
  • Black dimensional paint
  • Glass paints in assorted colors
  • Craft paintbrushes
  • Plastic sheet covers (optional)
  • Colored permanent markers (optional)
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    • 1

      Lay the glass, plexiglass or mirror down on a flat surface. This type of surface allows the plastic wrap to cling to it while you are painting your design. Set the glass in an area where you can leave it undisturbed for about a week or longer.

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      Place your picture pattern on top of the glass. Choose one from a magazine, coloring book or print out a design from a computer. For a beginner, a simple pattern with few colors or details works well.

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      Tear off a strip of plastic wrap that is large enough to extend 2 or 3 inches beyond the picture pattern. This enables it to cling to the glass.

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      Place the plastic wrap evenly over the picture. Press it into place with your fingers. Reposition it if there are any wrinkles or air bubbles.

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      Outline the pattern with black dimensional paint. This provides a bold guide that allows you to see easily where the different colors belong. Dimensional paint is also known as puff paint. It comes in a squeeze bottle with a fine applicator tip. Complete each section by joining the lines. This prevents the glass paint from seeping into another area. Wait for the dimensional paint to dry according to the instructions on the label.

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      Fill in the sections generously with a clean craft brush and the glass paint. Complete all the areas with one color before switching to another color in your design. If a section is large, pour a small amount of the glass paint in the area and spread it out with the paintbrush.

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      Clean your brush according to the paint directions when you are ready to use another color. Once the design is completed, wait about a week or longer before disturbing the static cling sticker. This ensures it dries well.

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      Cut the design out carefully with scissors once the glass paint completely dries.

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      Clean the window pane, mirror or other area with a glass cleaner and cleaning cloth before pressing the sticker on the area. This helps it adhere better. Press the side without the paint to the window or mirror surface.