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How to Drape a Shawl on a Piano

A traditional piano shawl, with its thin, silky fabric and ornate weave, often features rich colors and a long fringe along the edges. Piano shawls have served as a traditional decoration for grand pianos, draped artfully over the expanse of the instruments with casual elegance. If you appreciate the stunning effect of fabric on wood, drape a shawl on a piano to create a beautiful focal point in your room.

Things You'll Need

  • Piano or Spanish shawl
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      Remove all items from the top of the piano to enable you to drape the shawl effectively.

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      Place the shawl so the expanse of fabric lies over the expanse of the piano. If you have a grand piano, arrange the shawl so the fabric covers it at an angle across the widest part of the piano. If you have an upright, you will have less piano surface to cover. Place the shawl so it covers the top portion of the piano at an angle with most of the shawl extending down the back of the piano.

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      Arrange the fringe of the piano shawl so it sits along the front edge of the piano. Depending on the shawl, it may have fringe on two edges or four edges. If the shawl has fringe on four edges, arrange the fringe neatly along the edge of the shawl that crosses the surface of the piano.

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      Stand back and assess the effect of the draped shawl. Look at it from every angle and adjust the position of the shawl on the piano if you want more or less fabric along each edge.

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      Place other items back on the piano to complement the shawl. You might place a vase of silk flowers at one corner of the piano to offset the fabric of the shawl.