Home Garden

Reupholstering the Arms of a Couch With Tacks

Upholstered couch arms can become worn and tattered from constant use. This makes your couch and the other room decor look unsightly and poorly decorated. Instead of spending a fortune buying a new couch to replace the old one, make the old couch look new again by reupholstering the arms of the couch with matching fabric and decorative upholstery tacks. This enables you to save money while decorating your home in a tasteful and tidy manner.

Things You'll Need

  • Heavy-duty tapestry fabric
  • Scissors
  • Straight pins
  • Sewing machine
  • Upholstery tacks
  • Hammer
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    • 1

      Cut a piece of heavy-weight tapestry to measure 30 inches wide and 30 inches long.

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      Lay the fabric square flat onto a table top with the right side facing down.

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      Fold the edges of the fabric over by 1/4 inch, then again by another 1/4 inch. Pin around the double-folded edges using straight pins.

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      Sew down the center of the pinned edge with a sewing machine, then remove the straight pins.

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      Sew down the edge where the fold meets the fabric with a sewing machine.

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      Trim off any excess thread with scissors.

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      Remove the couch cushions and drape the fabric square over the arm of the couch. Line up the inside edge of the fabric square with the inside bottom of the couch arm.

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      Place an upholstery tack against the edge of the fabric square on the inside of the arm, then hammer the tack into the couch. Repeat across the inside edge of the couch, spacing each tack 1 inch apart.

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      Tack the outside edge of the fabric onto the bottom of the outside of the couch arm in the same manner as before.

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      Repeat on the other side to reupholster the other arm of the couch.