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How to Hang Shelves on Horsehair Plaster Walls

Many homes constructed in the 19th and early 20th century feature horsehair plaster. Horsehair was combined with the lime and sand mixture to provide strength to the material and cut down on cracks and breakage. This doesn’t make the plaster indestructible, though, so you need to hang shelving correctly on it. Before the first nail is hammered into the horsehair plaster, locate the studs, or wooden support beams, to provide a solid surface for anchoring the shelves.

Things You'll Need

  • Stud finder
  • Pencil
  • Level
  • Drill
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      Locate the first stud with a stud finder or by gently knocking on the wall with your hand. Hold the stud finder flush against the wall and run it along until it locates the stud; a light will blink or you'll hear a noise. If you don’t have a stud finder, measure 16 inches from the wall’s corner and rap the wall gently with your fist around the area until you stop hearing a hollow noise. Either way you locate it, mark the stud with a penciled "X."

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      Find the stud adjacent to the first pencil mark by using the stud finder or measuring 16 inches left or right of the first stud. Hit the wall gently with your hand to ensure a stud is in the spot and mark the area with a pencil.

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      Determine the height of the shelf. Mark this spot with a pencil over one of the studs. Using a level, mark the second stud at the same height to ensure the shelf is hung straight.

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      Create a guide hole in the first stud with a drill and bit that's slightly smaller than the screw used to hang the shelf. Install a screw at least 1 inch in length into the stud. Repeat this process on the second stud. Use 2- to 3-inch drywall screws to hang the shelving.

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      Hang the shelf on the screws. Most types of shelves have a lip or premade hole for hanging the shelf. For a premade hole, line the screw up with the hole and push the shelf until flush with the wall.