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How to Paint Flower Designs on Vintage Metal Chairs

Those vintage metal chairs sitting in your attic or garage might be a tad rough looking, but they can have big potential. With a few supplies and a little effort, you can transform old and battered chairs into furniture that you’ll be proud to use. Paint flower designs on vintage metal chairs to create fun, new pieces.
  1. Metal Preparation

    • Vintage metal chairs may have a significant amount of rust, which you must remove before applying new paint. Use steel wool or fine-grit sandpaper to remove rust from the metal. After scrubbing all the rust away, wash the metal with soapy water. Apply mineral spirits lightly over the entire metal surface of the chair to finish preparing it for fresh paint.

    Apply Base Coat

    • Prepare an area where you can apply the base coat of paint with spray paint. Spread a tarp and place the chair in the center. Apply metal primer first after shaking the can thoroughly for several minutes. Hold the can about 10 to 14 inches away from the metal surface and apply the primer in a thin and even layer. Allow the primer to dry completely and then apply metal spray paint to the chair surface. Allow the paint to dry and apply a second coat. Allow the second coat to dry completely.

    Paint Flower Designs

    • Make flower designs on the base paint using enamel paint. Flat paintbrushes, ranging in widths between 1/8 inch and 1 inch, will produce a variety of flower petals and blossoms. Use a 1/2-inch-wide paintbrush to create daisy petals -- drag the chisel edge of the brush out from the center to create long, thin petals. Make a dot in the middle of the petals for the center of the flower. Use a 1-inch-wide paintbrush to create rose petals -- touch the chisel edge of the brush onto the metal and rotate the brush around in a semi-circle to create the petal. Overlap these petals to create a full rose blossom.

    Seal the Paint

    • After allowing the enamel paint to dry for the time recommended by the manufacturer, seal the paint with a clear sealant spray -- especially if you will use the chair outdoors. Hold the spray can about 10 inches away from the chair surface and coat the metal lightly with an even layer of sealant. Allow the sealant dry completely before using the chair.