Home Garden

Decorating With a Blue Striped Quilt

If you have made, inherited or purchased a blue striped quilt, chances are you want to show it off. Using it on your bed may keep you warm, but it is not the most effective way to display it to guests. Depending on the age of the quilt, using it as a bedspread may also cause it to begin to fall apart. When you display your blue striped quilt, you can use it as a centerpiece and decorate the rest of the room accordingly.


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      Display your blue striped quilt in a prominent place. Frame it and hang it on the wall, or, if the quilt is relatively new and in good shape, drape it over your couch for a welcoming, informal look.

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      Decide whether you want to use similar or complementary colors in the room with the quilt. You can stick with shades of blue and white -- or another color in your striped quilt -- or go for a dramatic contrast with colors such as red or orange.

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      Take a swatch of the quilt's fabric with you to the store when you buy other decorative items such as curtains, or when you choose the color for your couch or carpet. This helps ensure that the colors you choose work well with the colors in your quilt. Choosing a slightly wrong shade can leave your room looking haphazard and careless.

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      Decide whether to stick with a striped theme or to go with a contrasting theme. You could, for example, choose to have the quilt be the only striped object in the room and go with circles or flowers in other decorations. Alternatively, leave the rest of the room extremely simple to draw all attention to the quilt. If you choose to use stripes throughout the room, have them all run in one direction to create a more intentional look.