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Paint Color Ideas to Go With a Fuchsia Comforter

Fuchsia is a brilliant jewel-toned pink color that some people call hot pink. A fuchsia comforter instantly changes the color scheme of a bedroom just by its intensity of color. Painting the walls and furniture a fuchsia color will overwhelm the eye. It is best to come up with a color scheme that goes along with the fuchsia.
  1. Color Harmony

    • Color harmony is the arrangement of colors that are soothing. The proper use of color gives a living space order and balance. One color does not dominate or overwhelm the senses. Colors can create chaotic, restless environments or peaceful, restful spaces. One way to discover harmonic color schemes is with the use of a color wheel, which is a device developed by scientists and artists to explain how colors complement and contrast each other.

    Analogous Colors

    • Analogous colors are colors that are right next to the desired color. These colors are usually of the same hue and saturation as the original color. When looking a fuchsia on the color wheel, purple and blue are on one side of the color, while pink and red are on the other side. Try painting the walls and other items in the bedroom with these colors to create a quiet environment without a lot of contrast. Analogous colors tend to appear muted next to each other.

    Complementary Colors

    • Complementary colors are colors that are directly across from each other on the color wheel. They are considered opposing colors, which create the best contrast. Fuchsia’s complementary color is mantis green. This green resembles the color of praying mantises. The brilliant colors go well together and create a bright, interesting space.

    Neutral Colors

    • Neutral colors are neither warm nor cool in tone. The use of these colors takes away the stress of matching warm colors with warm colors and cool colors with cool colors. Neutral colors include ecru, mocha, taupe, gray, cream, black and white. These passive colors do not clash with any other colors and go well with every color imaginable. Using neutral colors allows you to change accent colors, like the fuchsia comforter, without having to paint the walls again.

    Natural Colors

    • Look to the inspiration of nature for a color scheme. Fuchsias are flowering plants that dress themselves in colors that look good together. Many shades of green grace the plants’ leaves. Flower combinations appear in purple, red, lavender, white, pink pastel, creamy yellow, reddish orange, dark velvet red and royal blue. Any of these colors will allow for a restful space to sleep using the fuchsia comforter.