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How to Design Your Living Room Accents With a Tangerine Paint Palette

Tangerine is a bold shade of orange that works well in modern home décor. Since it is such a bold shade, too much in one room can feel overwhelming, particularly in a living room with lots of exposed wall space painted in the color. The key to making such a room comfortable and visually appealing is to properly accessorize. Accent with colors neutral or cool in nature to cut the brightness of tangerine walls.
  1. Neutrals

    • The neutral family offers a wide variety of color options, most of which will work well when combined with tangerine. Neutrals are tones that tend to fade into the background and produce a cool, calming feeling in a space. Shades of white, beige, watery blues and mossy greens are all part of this family, and each will work to tame the boldness of tangerine walls. Select a combination of neutrals, one that is light in nature and one that is dark, for the most visual depth.

    Contrasting Colors

    • Contrasting colors are those pulled from different segments of the color wheel. The segments are warm and cool, with tangerine sitting on the warm side of the wheel. Adding accents in contrasting cool shades will add a bit of visual interest to the space and help break up the boldness of tangerine-colored walls. Look for shades of blue, particularly turquoise, green and purple.

    Complementary Colors

    • Complementary colors are those that sit directly opposite each other on the color wheel. Tangerine sits opposite turquoise on the color wheel, and the combination will create a vibrant, lively feel in the space. When used in large amounts, these combinations have a tendency to be somewhat uncomfortable to look at, meaning choosing tangerine for the wall color and just turquoise for accents is an ideal design choice.

    Triad or Analogous Colors

    • Triad color schemes encompass three colors, most commonly one as the base and the other two as accents. The tones are selected by locating colors evenly spaced around the color wheel. Starting with tangerine, the remaining colors are lime green and fuchsia. This color combination will work best with one bold tone and two pale or unsaturated shades of the colors to prevent the look from feeling overwhelming. Analogous color schemes will also include three colors, but they are tones that sit next to each other on the color wheel. This will provide a slight variation between the walls and accessories, but it usually has a visually appealing look. In the case of tangerine, one color would be more yellow and the other more red. If these color schemes are too bold, replace or add one shade with a neutral; white works well, as does gray.