Home Garden

How Are Two Colors Added to Vinyl Windows?

Vinyl windows are easier to maintain and they last longer than wooden or metal-framed windows because they are not subject to rotting or rust. Traditionally, vinyl windows have been white, but it is now possible to get colored vinyl windows -- and even to get two-colored vinyl windows. To understand how two-colored vinyl windows can accent your home, you should understand the ways in which color can be added to them.
  1. Design

    • While traditional vinyl windows have white frames on both the exterior and interior, more colors are available to the modern homeowner. Two-colored vinyl windows feature one color on the exterior of the frame and another color on the interior. This allows you to decorate the inside and outside of your home with different color schemes; for example you may use a vibrant red on the exterior, while employing subdued pastels in the interior.

    Manufacturing Process

    • The interior and exterior frames of a vinyl window are manufactured separately and later assembled together with the rest of the window components. This allows manufacturers to add different colors separately to the interior and exterior frame. The colors are dyes that are mixed into the vinyl while it is in a molten -- or liquid -- state. The colored, molten vinyl is then poured into molds to form the frame. Because the frames are dyed, they will retain their color better than painted windows.

    Adding Color at Home

    • If you find yourself with plain white vinyl windows -- or vinyl windows in an unappealing color -- already installed in your home, you don't need to replace them to get the colors you want. Instead, you can add color simply by painting the windows. Simply sand your windows using fine grit sandpaper and paint the window using latex paint in your desired color. Be sure to use an exterior paint on the outside of the frame or your color will soon wash away.


    • Hybrid windows offer an alternative to coloring vinyl windows. Hybrid windows feature a vinyl exterior with a wooden interior. You can choose from a variety of colors for your exterior and finish the interior frame as you please. You can either paint or stain the interior frame in the color you prefer for longer-lasting color than painted vinyl. You can also use Wooden exterior frames, colored as you wish, but they will require more upkeep than vinyl windows.