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What Shades Are Considered Earth Tone?

Earth tones are ancient colors that were used by the artists of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and continue to be used today. The pigments contained ground earth, often named after where the soil was found. Burnt sienna, for example, came from Siena, and burnt umber from Umbria--two Italian towns renowned for producing fine art. Earth tones are related to the prismatic colors of the rainbow but are darker due to the earth content.
  1. Earth Colors

    • Earth tones are found in many bricks and building stones.

      All earth colors are an earthy form of rainbow colors. The prismatic colors of yellow, orange, vermillion red, scarlet red, magenta and parrot green become the corresponding earth tones of yellow ochre, raw umber, burnt sienna, burnt umber, caput mortuum and green earth. In the early days, earth tones were used for underpainting because they were less expensive than the brighter colors. Underpainting with earth tones also was popular as the darker colors created depth and set the mood.

    Character and Impact

    • Oriental rugs display earth tones.

      All earth colors belong in the same tonal range and blend together well to create an harmonious whole. Earth tones can be lightened by mixing in lime or chalk to produce beige and cream or darkened with soot or charcoal to provide a shadowy look. Rooms painted and decorated with earth tones have a gentle, homey feel and a sense of timelessness. Earth tones can be seen in old oriental rugs, ancient glazes and primitive pottery.

    Cool Earth Tones

    • Cool earth tones are achieved by mixing earth tones with white or pigments from the cool side of the color spectrum, such as blue and green. The results vary from a pale gray to the look of sand by the sea or the smooth, dark hues found in slate and stone. Earth tones also are present in wood flooring, stone tile, fabrics and woven cloths, such as those made of hemp or sisal.

    Decorating With Earth Tones

    • Earth tones may be brought into a space using paint, stone, plaster, stucco, natural fabrics and floor cloths, rugs or carpeting. A sense of monotony may be avoided by combining various colors, textures and furniture styles and forms. A punch of spectral color, introduced through an interesting design on a throw cushion or a striking work of wall art, is another method used to personalize a space, while maintaining the overall feel of comfort and familiarity.