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Neutral Paint Colors

The less saturated a color is, the more neutral the shade. Shades of brown, white, gray and black paint are generally considered neutral. They're versatile because they mix well with other colors and can be introduced into a bolder color scheme to defuse the overall look.
  1. Most Popular Neutrals

    • Walk into any model home and you're likely to see a range of neutral paint colors. Ecru, mocha, gray and cream are popular choices in "non-offensive" decorating. This is because it's hard for most visitors to be offended by such quiet, passive colors. A new shade of neutral that is becoming popular is called greige. It's a combination of beige and gray that can add sophistication to a space while blending with the environment.

    Why They Work

    • There's a fairly basic reason neutral paints work so well when paired with other colors. Think of the white of the sun. It doesn't seem that there are any colors there, but they show up when atmospheric conditions bend the light rays to create a rainbow. The color white is the same, a combination of all colors. Black, on the other hand, is the total absence of color. Gray is simply black with white mixed in and brown is made by mixing all the primary colors together. What this means is that white, gray and brown have something in common with any color they're paired with. Because black is the absence of color, it works by not clashing with other colors.

    How to Introduce Change

    • The colors you choose to accompany neutrally painted walls will ultimately determine the décor of the room. For excitement, vitality and energy, add warm colors like red, orange or yellow. For a cool, calm and tranquil space, add a cool color like blue, green or lilac.

    What Neutrals Offer

    • Neutral paint colors create a backdrop for any décor you choose to introduce to a space. They're soothing shades that naturally make a room feel larger and cleaner. Neutral paint colors are timeless. You never have to worry that your choice will look dated when you choose a neutral.