Home Garden

Various Colors of Frogs for Decoration

As Kermit, the Muppet frog, once lamented, 'It isn't easy being green." Frogs, however, come in many colors, and protect themselves through camouflage or sport bright colors that announce they are poisonous. Their color range is surprising. So, while it may be difficult to decorate with lots of green frogs, those who love the bug-eyed amphibians have a rainbow of choices.
  1. Decorative Materials

    • Although green is the dominant color for frog decor, the dedicated shopper can find frogs-- both cartoon-like and realistic--in a variety of colors on bed sheets, blankets, decorator fabrics, shower curtains, household knick knacks, classroom equipment and party supplies. These include earth-toned bullfrogs on drapery fabric, as well as rain forest frogs in primary colors leaping across napkins and paper plates.

    Vivid Polka Dots

    • Leafy greens and muddy browns are the most common colors among the more than 3,000 species of frogs and toads throughout the world, according to San Francisco's Exploratorium museum. The colors of the African reed frogs that appeared in the museum's 1999 "Frogs" exhibit provide inspiration for creating wall stencils of frogs in a broader palette. The Lake Nabu reed frog (Hyperolius viridiflavus variabilis) from Uganda has large, sky blue spots surrounded by creamy orange. Another brightly colored reed species from Kenya is the Hyperolius viridiflavus ferniquei, which is forest green mottled with gold polka dots so shiny that the frog looks like a piece of jewelry.


    • Paler colors are appropriate for frog-related decorating, whether whimsical or realistic. Species, such as the Fleishmann's Glass Frog (Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni) and the Chinese gliding frog (Rhacophorus reinwardtii), prove that protective coloration can come in pastels. The Fleishmann's Glass Frog has a milky, opalescent gleam that shifts from light greens to roses to golds. The Chinese gliding frog, which is sometimes aqua with a pinkish-white underbelly, almost appears to soar as it leaps to the ground from high tree branches.

    Colorful Frog Art

    • It is possible to contribute to the survival of endangered amphibians while livening up home walls with fine art prints featuring frogs. Organizations such as The Amphibian Project raise funds for species conservation through work donated by professional artists. Wood carvings of frogs by the Zapotec Indians of Oaxaca, Mexico, are also colorful decorative items to incorporate into a frog-themed room. The elaborate colors and designs seem like picture book creations until compared with fantastical creatures, such as poison dart frogs and red-eyed tree frogs.