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What Colors Can Be Used With Burgundy for Sponging Walls?

Sponging is a faux painting technique that lends a soft, luminous look when applied to walls and ceilings. The technique requires at least two different colors applied to the wall, a base coat and a sponge coat. Because burgundy is such a dark color, it is usually applied as a base coat. One or more additional colors are applied to the burgundy base. When selecting colors for a burgundy-colored wall, consider the purpose of the room and its desired effect. For example, a burgundy color in a bedroom can be matched with analogous colors to induce peacefulness; in a playroom or dining room, the burgundy can pair with complementary colors to incite creative energy or exotic glamor.
  1. The Color Scheme

    • In a color scheme, there exists a dominant color and subordinate color. Additional accent colors add interest but are optional. Choose the color scheme according to the room's function and the desired mood of the room. Due to its innate vibrancy, burgundy is a perfect dominant color for sponged walls. Select the subordinate color and any accent colors based on color theory: a formula used to create a balanced and pleasing color scheme. Color theory is divided into three main sections: monochromatic, analogous and complementary colors.

    Monochromatic Colors

    • Monochromatic colors are varying shades and hues of the base coat -- in this case, burgundy. Monochromatic means "pertaining to one color," so a burgundy monochromatic color scheme would feature a burgundy base coat with slightly lighter or darker shades of burgundy as the subordinate and accent colors. A monochromatic color scheme is soothing and stylish. Select a monochromatic color scheme for a formal room such as a dining room or parlor where an opulent or refined look is desired.

    Analogous Colors

    • Analogous means "similar" or "alike," and such a color scheme refers to neighboring colors on the color wheel. Whereas a monochromatic scheme involves different hues or shades of burgundy, an analogous color scheme includes relatives to burgundy, such as pinks, purples and hints of orange. Analogous and monochromatic are similar, but the analogous scheme is bolder and more distinctive. Such a color scheme would do well in a bathroom or kitchen where a touch of whimsy or subdued splash of intense saturation would not overwhelm the room. Avoid excessive accent colors with an analogous scheme, or the effect will be overstimulating and confusing.

    Complementary Colors

    • Complementary colors are colors that oppose each other on the color wheel. The complementary color for the dominant burgundy is a subdominant teal, a cool blue-green color. A suitable accent color for this scheme might include a lighter shade of burgundy or a darker shade of teal. The complementary color scheme is extremely bold and vivid, best for children's bedrooms or small rooms such as a foyer or laundry room.