Home Garden

Feng Shui and Sofa Fabric Colors

Choosing your sofa color using feng shui guidelines contributes to a decor for your living room that is auspicious and supports your lifestyle and dreams. Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that provides guidelines on how to decorate and arrange your home to ensure harmony with the environment, in relationships and in all aspects of your life. While it's only one part of the feng shui experience, the color of your sofa fabric links to your intentions for the room and to the harmonious relationship between everyone who uses it.
  1. Living Room

    • In feng shui, the living room symbolizes harmonious relationships within your family and with your guests. It is a space for the people in your life to come together and connect. It should be a room in which everyone feels comfortable, and the colors you select for the walls, flooring and the sofa must be ones that everyone in the family enjoys. In addition, they should support and enhance the activities that you use the room for.

    Room Placement

    • One element of color choice within feng shui guidelines for your sofa fabric is by using the placement of the living room within the entire space of the house as a guide. If your living room is in the north part of your house, it is ruled by the element of water, and black and blues are supportive color choices. The directions of northeast and southeast relate to the wood element, and greens and blues are suitable choices. South is ruled by fire, and reds and oranges are the colors of this element. Yellows, browns and reds enhance the earth element found in the southwest aspect of a home, while the northwest is governed by metal, of which silver, gold and white are the dominant colors. Your sofa fabric choice should include the appropriate color for your room's placement.

    Relationship Area

    • As the living room is one of the major relationship areas in your home, choose one of the colors for your sofa fabric that support this function. Earthy colors of red, yellow and orange add a grounding element to the room. Brown brings stability and a sense of peacefulness, and cream and beige are also suitable, as they are paler shades of brown. As red is an activating and exciting color, introduce it into your sofa fabric if your living room is usually a hub of activity. Choose earthy reds such as terra-cotta and salmon. Orange has sociable qualities and facilitates openness and communication, It's also less intense than red, and pale tones include peach and coral. Yellow is uplifting, warm and expansive and introduces a happy energy into the room. Honey and lemon are both shades of yellow. Metallic colors including bronze, copper and silver are also suitable choices.

    Using the Colors

    • You now have a selection of colors to choose from. Choose a fabric that primarily has the earthy tones that enhance the relationship aspect of the living room, and use the other colors as accents in the fabric pattern. Alternatively, introduce some of the other colors in the fabric of pillows or a throw draped over the sofa.

    Arranging the Furniture

    • Choosing a sofa fabric color is just one aspect of ensuring an auspicious living room through feng shui. Your armchairs and sofa should be comfortable and supportive. Arrange them in a square with an ottoman as the fourth side if needed. As people need to see who's entering the room, don't put the back of the sofa toward the door. A green plant or a water feature in the southeast corner of the room attracts wealth into your life.