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How to Determine If a Fireplace Is Authentic Art Deco

Art Deco describes is a design style that dominated Europe and North America from around 1925 to 1940. It abandoned traditional design styles to embrace modern materials. Designers in this era viewed the fireplace as a design element for a room, not just a functional heat source. Shaking off almost all traditional fireplace elements, Art Deco fireplaces featured bold, sleek designs; high-contrast colors; and modern motifs. If you want to identify an Art Deco fireplace, look for certain key components that were prominent in this design movement.


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      Study the lines of the fireplace design. Look for sweeping curves and bold edging that exemplify design style for Art Deco. Many Art Deco fireplaces were designed asymmetrically. Judge whether the overall shape of the fireplace is taller than it is wide -- this is a classic contrast between an Art Deco fireplace and a more traditional fireplace.

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      Look for ceramic tiling around the fireplace and hearth; this was the material of choice for Art Deco fireplaces. Typical of the era are tiles with high-gloss glazes and bold geometric designs.You also can look for slabs of marble. Fireplaces made of traditional stone or brick are not Art Deco.

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      Identify traditional colors used in Art Deco fireplace tiles, and look for highly contrasting colors close together. Typical Art Deco color schemes include black and white or deep, intense shades of green, purple, yellow or blue.

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      Search for typical Art Deco designs and shapes made from tile and metal, including jagged edging, stacked arches, stepped lines and geometric shapes. Other notable Art Deco motifs include Tudor roses, long rectangles contrasting with small squares, zigzags and highly stylized borders.

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      Check for a cast iron fire back, firebox and grate; this was the most common metal used in fireplace construction in the 1930s. If you see stainless steel, the antique fireplace probably has been refurbished or is not an authentic Art Deco piece. Check for cast iron or tin metal embellishments on the fireplace, another common decorative feature for the era.