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How to Decorate a Victorian Style Nursery

The Victorian period, approximately 1837 to 1901, featured rapid social change as the Industrial Revolution changed standards of living. Many Victorian children weren't brought up coddled in a nursery but in factories working. Yet many wealthy people held on to beliefs about how to raise a child, starting from a well-appointed nursery that contained creature comforts. A few key pieces of furniture and decorations can transform a modern room into a Victorian nursery.
  1. Walls and Doors

    • Wallpaper, not paint, was the norm in Victorian households. The same is true of a nursery. Select a wallpaper with a simple pattern, preferably one with a cream, white or otherwise light background. The lighter background keeps the room cheerful, while the pattern is a nod to the Victorian time period. Consider patterns such as light stripes or a small shape like a diamond. The doors, on the other hand, should be stained a dark brown, in keeping with the time period.


    • Most Victorian furniture leaned toward dark stains. Consider following this trend with your crib, dresser and any additional nursery furniture. Even a modern-day dresser can take on a Victorian theme by swapping the knobs for glass ones or hardware that is delicately painted with a flower. The crib especially should have Victorian-inspired additions, like an elaborate ruffled skirt. As your child ages, you can add fluffy comforters trimmed in lace and puffy pillows covered in silk or a silk-like material. The Victorian age was about excess -- for the wealthy at least -- and fancy furniture was a big part of that display.

    Windows and Floors

    • Victorian nursery draperies leaned toward lace window coverings. To keep a somewhat modern feel, look for lace curtains that aren't overly fussy but have a delicate lace pattern. The floor can be kept as bare wood -- again, a dark stain is best -- or covered with an area rug. Select an area rug that complements the wallpaper's colors, perhaps matching the color of the pattern with the rug.


    • Because this was the only room in the house many children were allowed to frequent, a Victorian nursery typically contained toys and learning tools, A rocking horse was a common sight in many Victorian nurseries. Girls' rooms also had dolls with soft bodies and porcelain faces and hands. Increase the vintage feel of your Victorian nursery by adding items like an abacus, which children used to learn to count, and a needlepoint sampler as a wall decoration. If you have room, you can also add a small table and chairs in a dark stain. In Victorian times, this is where the governess would lead lessons for young children.

    A Note of Caution

    • Victorian-themed nursery items are available in stores and at online auction sites. Many of these items are new and made to resemble the Victorian era. Double-check before purchasing any item labeled authentic. Child-safety standards have changed drastically since the Victorian era and nursery items common then, such as a comforter in the crib of a small baby, are strongly recommended against now. Do not compromise safety for the Victorian decor.