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Traditional Kitchen Artwork

While the choice of artwork and other designs elements is subjective and highly dependent on the taste of the individual doing the decorating, kitchen artwork has traditionally featured specific subject matter. If you're looking for a way to create a kitchen design that embodies tradition, using one or more of these artistic elements can help you achieve that goal.
  1. Spices and Herbs

    • Artwork featuring spices and herbs, particularly in garden settings, is a traditional kitchen art theme that works well with other elements, such as displays featuring a variety of actual spices and herbs. This type of artwork can also be augmented by growing fresh herbs on your kitchen windowsills. Artwork featuring spices and herbs can be hung near your physical displays to help enhance the theme.

    Wine and Grapes

    • A wine and grape theme offers traditional kitchen decor with a French or Italian feel. There are a number of art prints you can use in this type of theme, featuring paintings of vineyards, bottles of wine, wine glasses or even grapes. A grape-themed wall border can accent a kitchen decorated with wine-related artwork.

    Baking and Cookware Themes

    • Artwork featuring fresh breads, stone ovens, pastries or baking chefs is a traditional theme you may want to display in your kitchen. Other artwork that suits a traditional kitchen includes cooking tools--such as knives, forks and spoons--plus ovens and pictures of well-equipped, flower-decorated kitchens.

    Regional Cuisine

    • Take advantage of your favorite meals by choosing artwork that reflects the ingredients and cuisines of your favorite food styles, whether you like Thai, Spanish, French or Mediterranean food. Use artwork that not only features the region's foods, but its geographic characteristics as well.