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Retro Western Decor

Retro decorating is all about taking a style from the past and making it fit comfortably into a modern-day home. Western-style decor is an easy look to achieve, especially if you live in a large, ranch-style house. This does not mean, however, that this look cannot be incorporated into a more modern building. With the right choice of decor, furniture and accessories, you can bring a touch of the Old West into any home.
  1. Wood and Stone

    • Stone and wood are integral parts of Western-style design.

      In the Old West, homes were built using the two most readily available materials --- wood and stone. However, if your home is --- for example --- a modern apartment, chances are it is lacking exposed wood or stone. In a large house, you can integrate these materials into the design with the addition of wooden wall panels, exposed wooden beams and stone fireplaces. In a smaller space, or if you are working on a budget, painting the walls a neutral color and using furniture and accessories to introduce these materials is sufficient.


    • Add color with brightly woven blanket throws.

      When selecting furniture for a Western-style interior, choose wood and neutral-colored leather as the main materials. You are aiming to create a homey, comfortable, rustic feel. This is a great opportunity to save money and buy old, secondhand furniture, as this will create a far more authentic feel than brand-new, shiny items. Alternatively, purchase your furniture from a supplier of Western-style furnishings, where you can choose from a range of specifically designed furniture, from rocking chairs and patchwork leather couches to cowboy hutch display cabinets.


    • Many different styles of painting and prints are available to choose from.

      Hanging Western-themed artwork around your home adds to the Western feel, and with such a wide variety available, you can find something to match your personal style. Remember, it doesn't have to be a picture of a cowboy; horses, buffalo, canyons and deserts are just a few other ideas that will complement a Western theme. For personal photographs, choose rustic wooden frames. Tin signs are another form of authentic Western decoration, from advertisements for Smith & Wesson to saloon welcome signs.


    • A Western saddle makes a great focal point.

      Use a few well-chosen accessories to complete your Old West interior. Animal head trophies are an option if you are designing a large space, but for smaller spaces, animal skulls are a more suitably sized option. A wooden saddle rack can make an interesting focal point, especially if you can obtain an old, cheap saddle to sit on it. For budget designing, hunt garage sales for old cowboy hats and boots to display in the porch or entrance hall. Items such as rope, spurs, horseshoes and even an old bridle can also be hung on hooks by the hats.