Home Garden

How to Landscape Around an Ugly Porch

The front porch can be one of the most noticeable elements of your home. If you feel your porch is ugly and detracts from the beauty of the rest of your home, you can do something about it. While you could replace the porch entirely, this can be an expensive and drastic undertaking. Fortunately, with the right landscaping, you can give your porch a facelift that can make even an ugly porch look attractive.


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      Build a rock garden in front of your porch or plant a garden. Select a colorful arrangement of plants or stones that will draw the eye away from your porch and to the garden. Run the garden along the length of the porch base. Grow Ivy if you feel your porch needs complete coverage. Plant bushes and shrubs along the base of your porch that can help hide flaws in construction. A mix of green plants that grow year-round and colorful seasonal plants will always ensure you have ample coverage.

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      Landscape your front yard by setting a stone fountain, statue or decorative bird feeder 5 or 10 feet away from your porch, centrally located to distract from the porch as well. Add a cut-stone path leading from the statue to the stairway of your porch. This gives the yard a more dominant role.

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      Place colorful potted plants on the stairways leading up to your porch. These colorful plants will look attractive and work to give your porch a new look. Take it a step further by taking advantage of the space on your porch for rustic furniture and more colorful plants. If your porch looks old, adding rustic furniture can work to enhance that appearance and make it look as if "old" is the intention or theme.