Home Garden

How a Man Likes His Bathroom

An old saying states that a man's home is his castle. If considered true, it might also be said that he rules his kingdom from the porcelain throne in his bathroom. While a man might defer to his wife's decorating ideas for the rest of the house, if given the free reign that royalty deserves, he might have his own ideas about how he likes his bathroom.
  1. The Throne

    • No cheap "bowl in a box" toilet for a man's bathroom. A man likes a full-size toilet with a heavy-duty seat. Add a hydro system capable of powering the Hoover Dam to eliminate those heavy loads and he might think he has died and gone to heaven. And in a man's bathroom, the seat left down is not an option.

    Reading Material

    • While most bathroom visits are merely pit stops, the "daily constitutional" typically requires a longer visit. Reading material left on the floor within easy reach or placed on the lid of the toilet tank helps make the time pass faster. Literary options may include newspapers or manly magazines, such as "Guns and Rifles, "Sports Illustrated" or "Field and Stream."

    No Frou Frou Stuff

    • No bras hanging from the shower rod or lingerie drying on the towel bar. A man likes his wife's beauty routine kept secret and to herself. Keep your anti-wrinkle crème, makeup and eyebrow curler off the bathroom countertop. While an errant flyaway toenail clipping from a trim is sometimes acceptable, pots of beauty cream and a multitude of perfume bottles are not.

    The Dream Bathroom

    • A flat screen television mounted at eye level is just one of the items a man dreams about for his luxury bathroom. While a nearby fridge stocked with beer or a mini-bar might also top his wish list, deep down he still knows his wife will set some boundaries. Instead, give him a video game console with all the latest games to help pass the time, or pipe in stereo music while he showers.