Home Garden

The Feng Shui Cure for Prosperity Area in a Bedroom

Following Feng Shui -- the ancient Chinese art of arrangement -- practices is believed, by some, to bring good fortune and lead to a happier, more fulfilled life. Concentrate on the southeast corner of your bedroom, which is the prosperity area of the bedroom, if you wish to attract an abundance of wealth into your life, which could mean money or other areas of your life. Metal is the important element to use in your prosperity corner.
  1. Decorating

    • Decorate the prosperity corner of your bedroom to welcome wealth into your home and life. Use metal shelves to hold knickknacks or other symbols. Alternatively, use metal knickknacks, wall hangings or a metal lamp to increase your prosperity. Choose an object without points. Create a collage using pictures of your favorite things, places and people. Frame the collage to make it attractive. Hang it in your prosperity corner or above your headboard. Your prosperity corner should receive at least six hours of light each day. Place a gold laughing Buddha -- also known as the Buddha of wealth -- in your prosperity corner. You can choose a big Buddha or a small one, but leave the statue out in the open so it's visible. The laughing Buddha is often depicted with a gold bar or money bag.


    • Place Feng Shui wealth and prosperity symbols in the southeast corner of your bedroom. An ancient Chinese sailing ship should sail in -- towards you and your home -- to signify the wealth coming into your life. Use a metal sailing ship to incorporate metal into the corner and fill the ship with gold coins or ingots. Tie three Chinese prosperity coins together with a red ribbon and place it in your prosperity corner; whether you display the coins visibly or not doesn't matter. Chinese prosperity coins are round gold coins with square holes in the center. Alternatively, place any form of money in your prosperity corner to symbolically align yourself with greater wealth, such as loose coins, your checkbook or savings book. Place coins in groupings of 3, 8 or 9 for a greater impact. Place nine shiny pennies or small pieces of gold in your prosperity corner and think of them as seeds, imaging your seeds growing. Choose a knickknack of a three-legged frog holding a coin in it's mouth if you want something different. Avoid water, plants, a fish tank, pictures of flowing water, flowers or mirrors in the prosperity corner of your bedroom.


    • Wealth colors, according to Feng Shui, are gold, purple, red and green, or whatever colors you associate with wealth. Use those colors in your prosperity corner to increase the flow of wealth to you. Three brass candle holders with red candles or three purple glass bowls that hold various coins are ideal in your prosperity corner. Alternatively, hang a purple crystal with a red cord or ribbon in the southeast corner of your bedroom. Keep your diamond and precious gemstone jewelry in the prosperity corner of your bedroom in a red, purple or gold jewelry box. Hang a wind chime above the box to attract abundance and luxury into your life.

    Adjoining Bathrooms

    • Keep the door of your adjoining bathroom shut to prevent your good fortune and wealth from going down the drain. Plug or cover the drains to your sink, bath and tub when you're not using them. The drains signify your money and wealth leaving the house, so block them. Keep your toilet lid down when it's not in use. Hang a Feng Shui crystal above the shower, tub or sink to lift the effect of the flushing water.