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How to Brighten Up a Dark Leather Couch

Leather furniture brings elegance and class to any living area. Dark leather sets a serious, professional tone. When paired with other dark colors, a foreboding or melancholy atmosphere can emanate from the room. Adding color to brighten it up just requires a little imagination and the time to plan the new look for your room.


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      Paint your walls a light blue or other soft, light color that will brighten the appearance of the couch when you add corresponding pillows that pick up the wall colors.

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      Contrast the sofa with a lighter colored companions. Make sure the wood of the legs on a chair or the trim of an ottoman or loveseat match the color of your leather couch.

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      Use throws in large patterns to break up the solid feel of the furniture or throws in silks or cashmere to soften the leather's appearance.

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      Use light, breezy curtains that let in plenty of light and have a see-through look. Use sheepskin, alpaca or flokati area rugs to add thick textures that offset the sparseness of leather.