Home Garden

Decorative Ways to Cover Basement Room Support Columns

When you are planning a remodeling project for your basement, you may decide to build around or even ignore your support poles. You cannot remove your basement support columns because they are load-bearing poles that are holding up the weight of the floor above. But there are still several ways that you can decorate the poles and make them part of your decorating theme.
  1. Column Covers

    • Your basement columns are usually gray metal poles that can vary in diameter. Rather than having those gray poles, you can dress them up to look like decorative porch columns either on your own or by using a column decorating kit. You can find the kits at your local home improvement store or online.


    • Dress up your support columns to look like trees. One of the easier ways to wrap your support poles in a tree look is to find large bamboo shafts and wrap them around the columns. An inflatable palm tree can be wrapped around a support column to give a unique look to your basement decor. You could also use real bark from any kind of tree as a wrap-around for your basement support poles.


    • If part of your basement finishing project includes drywall on the walls and ceiling of the basement, then use that look to decorate your support columns as well. Put a drywall box around your support columns and paint them, or cover them in paneling, to match the rest of the basement decor.


    • Try a sports theme to make your pole wraps interesting. If you have two support columns in a line and several feet apart, then paint them each bright yellow and tie off a wind sock indicator on each one to create the tops of football goal posts. You can get protective cushioned wrap for your poles with a vinyl white covering and paint "400ft" on it to indicate the foul pole at a baseball park.