Home Garden

How to Make a Window Awning for a Bedroom

You can give your bedroom flair by adding awnings to the windows. For adult bedrooms, awnings can provide a sense of sophistication; for children’s bedrooms, a sense of playfulness. Everything you need to make your own awnings is available in most craft stores. With basic sewing skills and a little imagination, you can make custom awnings to match almost any décor.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Decorative rods
  • Fabric
  • Dowel rods
  • Brackets
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine
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    • 1

      Measure the width of your window and add two inches to your measurement. Cut two dowel rods to this measurement. Cut your fabric the same width as the window.

    • 2

      Sew a sleeve, just large enough to hold the dowel rod, into the top edge of your fabric. Place a dowel rod through the sleeve, with one inch protruding from each end. Position the rod over the window and attach the ends to the wall with your brackets, but do not tighten completely.

    • 3

      Place the decorative rods along the sides of the windows so they are parallel to each other. Position them to your desired awning slope and window covering -- this aspect is a matter of personal taste. Place the second dowel rod onto the ends of the decorative rods.

    • 4

      Drape the fabric over the end and mark the leading edge of the fabric. Remove the awning, cut the fabric to length and sew a sleeve into the bottom edge of the awning. Place the second dowel rod through the sleeve.

    • 5

      Reattach the awning and secure the brackets to the wall. Affix the bottom to the ends of the decorative rods.