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How to Make a Windproof Beer Can Lantern

Lighting outdoor areas with candles can create a soft glow and a romantic feel. You can also use candles for emergency lighting outdoors when you do not have access to electricity. Small votive candles can provide you with up to 15 hours of burn time, but if it is a windy evening, you need a way to block the wind without blocking the light the candles can provide. You can make windproof lanterns from your empty beer cans to protect the candle flames and provide you with light all evening long.

Things You'll Need

  • Empty beer can
  • Felt-tipped marker
  • Sharp pocket knife
  • Work gloves
  • Cord
  • Votive candle
  • Lighter
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      Rinse out the empty beer can with water.

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      Use a felt-tipped marker to draw a vertical line on the outside of the beer can. The line should begin just below the neck of the can and end just above the can’s base.

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      Place the tip of the marker at the top of the vertical line. Draw a 1-inch horizontal line from the top of the vertical line along the right side of the can. Return the tip of the marker to the top of the vertical line. Draw a 1-inch horizontal line along the left side of the can. The lines on the can should resemble a “T.” Draw 1-inch horizontal lines to the right and left of the vertical line along the bottom of the can. Now the lines should resemble a capital "i."

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      Pierce the aluminum beer can with a sharp pocket knife along the vertical line. Use the pocket knife to cut the through the can from the top of the vertical line to the bottom of the line. Cut along the horizontal lines at the top and the bottom of the vertical cut.

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      Grab the beer can along the cut with gloved hands. Pull the sides of the can open about 120 degrees, so they create flaps. Leave as much of the can’s curve in the flaps as possible.

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      Lift the tab at the top of the can so it sticks straight up from the can. Tie one end of a cord to the tab and the other end of the cord to a tree limb or to a cross beam of an outdoor space.

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      Light a small votive candle. Pour a bit of melted wax from the lit candle into the bottom of the beer can. Set the candle in the melted wax. Once the wax cools, it will hold the lit candle in the bottom of the beer can.