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How to Fix Ceramic Blisters

Homemade ceramics occasionally have blistered glazes when you are finished with the piece. This happens during the processing of the clay or glaze. You can fix this by preparing the piece properly the first time. Do not take shortcuts when preparing the clay or heating the ceramics or you will end up with damaged pieces. Blistered ceramic glazes cannot be fixed once they are heated in the kiln without harming the piece.

Things You'll Need

  • Table
  • Push pin
  • Measuring tape
  • Firing cones
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      Prepare your clay properly by kneading it sufficiently. Knead a large ball of clay that is just more than you can fit in both your hands. Work it on a table top by folding it in half, pushing it down and folding it again. Continue working the clay until it is smooth and pliable. Releasing the air bubbles prevents blisters.

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      Apply a thinner amount of glaze. Mark a push pin with a line every millimeter and push it into the clay after you glaze it. Aim for a glazing thickness of 1 to 3 millimeters.

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      Fire the kiln for less time to avoid overheating the ceramics. Use kiln cones to gauge when to take the ceramics out of the kiln. Choose a cone that is recommended by the glaze manufacturer because different cones have various firing properties. Watch the cone through the peep hole. Take the ceramics out when the cone has bent to a 90-degree angle.