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What Is an Asian Stone?

Throughout history countries in Asia have contributed to the gemstone trade. Chinese jade and the famed rubies of Myanmar are only two of the many examples of gemstones mined in Asia. Precious and semi-precious stones from Asia are formed beneath the Earth's surface and are prime examples of the variability and beauty existing in nature.
  1. Gemstone Definition

    • Gemstones are naturally occurring minerals prized for their beauty and durability. A mineral that crumbles or degrades easily won't hold up to cutting, mounting and wear and isn't likely to be valued as a gemstone. Beauty is determined by several qualities, including luster, fire, brilliance and sparkle. These qualities are inherent in the stone, but are enhanced by the process of polishing and cutting. The value of a gemstone is influenced by its rarity above all. Once a stone's rarity is considered, its cut, clarity, color and carat weight are assessed to determine its overall value.

    Forming Gemstones

    • Several processes are involved in the formation of gemstones. In general, the combination of heat and water, or pressure and heat, are required for gemstone formation. Diamonds, for example, were formed about 100 miles below the Earth's crust where pressure combined with heat from molten rock changed graphite into diamonds. According to the University of California, Berkeley most of the diamonds were formed during the first few billion years of the planet's existence.


    • Jade is perhaps one of the most well known gemstones mined in Asia. It has been known in China as the "Royal Gem" since 3,000 B.C. where it was used for statues, jewelry, armor and even funeral masks. Green is the most recognizable color of jade, but it also comes in hues of pink, red, brown, black and violet. In addition to China, other Asian countries, like Russia and Myanmar, mine jade.

    Other Stones Mined in Asia

    • Asia offers a wealth of gemstones. War-torn Afghanistan is known for its deposits of lapis lazuli, emerald and ruby. The Mogok region of Myanmar is famous for its rubies. These precious stones are known as "pigeon-blood rubies" for their blood-red color. While Sri Lanka offers a variety of gemstones, it is perhaps most famous for its sapphires and its deposits of the rare, alexandrite.