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How to Use German Incense Burners

German incense burners, or "Smokers", have traditionally been used to sweeten the holidays by filling homes with the rich aroma of burning incense. These incense burners are distinguishable by their notable German styling and designs. German incense burners are often small characters of people performing a certain task and are most often made of wood.

Things You'll Need

  • German incense burner
  • Cone incense
  • Lighter
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      Separate the base of the incense burner from the top. The burners are held together by gravity and require no special tools to separate. They usually separate at the head or torso to reveal a small flat area on which the incense cone can be placed.

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      Place an incense cone on the flat metal surface on the burner's base.

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      Light the tip of the incense with a lighter. Incense often takes several seconds to light, so hold the flame on the tip until it ignites.

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      Watch the incense cone as it burns for several seconds; let it burn until the tip glows red or orange, then blow out the flame. The cone should now smolder, which releases the fragrant smoke. Repeat the above steps as needed if the incense doesn't light on the first attempt.

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      Place the German incense burner top back onto the base. The incense smoke will rise from the portal on the burner, it usually comes out of the statuette's mouth.