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Ways to Use Objects at Home to Create the Perfect Wall Art

All homes benefit from some form of artwork to add flair and drama to the environment. However, the art pieces you use for your home don't have to be expensive or elaborate to make a statement. In fact, you can use found objects around your home to create pieces that completely reflect your design tastes and lifestyle. Before getting rid of anything, ask yourself whether the item can be turned into artwork for your walls.
  1. Mosaics

    • Bust up old ceramic tile or plates into various sizes and shapes to create a one-of-a-kind mosaic piece for your wall. Mosaics are ideal because you can use multiple colors and patterns that blend well with almost any home décor. Spread a layer of adhesive onto plain plywood and add the pieces in a random pattern to create a homemade piece of wall art. Once dry, grout the mosaic with an appropriate color. You can add tiles to an old mirror or picture frame to give them new life.


    • Raid your digital photo albums and use favorites to create wall art. Use photo editing software to change photos to black and white or sepia tones and print them in larger sizes. Frame the photos and hang them as a collection in one special area of your home. Photos can also be cut into vertical strips, reassembled and glued onto a cardstock backing, allowing the smallest hint of the card stock to show through. If you enjoy pop art, a la Andy Warhol, take a favorite image and use the editing software to change the entire color of the image to reflect that retro style.


    • Create three-dimensional wall art using old scraps of metal. Layer various pieces and colors of any type of metal, whether aluminum, copper or steel. Leave the metal in its natural state, or add chemicals to create a reaction on the metal and achieve a different effect. Sculpt old pieces of wire into a piece of sculpture for your wall. Create it freeform or use a pattern to achieve the desired shape.


    • Mount old molding pieces in a random pattern on a large wall for a dramatic effect. Paint or stain pieces of wood, or old paneling pieces of various sizes and shapes. Nail them together for a stunning piece of art for your wall. Use a larger piece of scrap wood as a canvas and paint artwork, either realistic or abstract, directly on the wood.