Home Garden

How to Cast Concrete Leaves

Concrete -- a mixture of powdered clay, limestone, sand or rock and water -- is a durable material used as building materials and to form large and small ornaments and sculpture. Casting leaves in concrete is a good way to learn how to work with the material in a controlled, small-scale way, while creating interesting, shabby-industrial chic home decorations that can adorn tables, centerpieces or walls. Add pigment to the concrete mix or paint the dried leaves to add color and visual interest.

Things You'll Need

  • Fresh leaves
  • Latex mold kit (latex and accelerator)
  • Protective gloves
  • Respirator mask
  • Concrete mix
  • Dry pigments (optional)
  • Bucket
  • Old wooden spoon
  • Water
  • Vegetable oil in spray bottle
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    • 1

      Mix the latex mold kit following the manufacturer's directions. Pull off a golf ball-sized piece of latex mold, flatten and then firmly press the leaf at least 2 inches down into the mold.

    • 2

      Allow the mold to dry, per manufacturer's directions, and carefully pull the leaf from the latex.

    • 3

      Put on protective gloves and a smock and a respirator mask. Even when working with a small amount of concrete, it is essential to protect yourself from burning or breathing the highly alkaline concrete dust.

    • 4

      Pour about 6 cups of concrete mix into the bucket. Add the dry pigments, if desired, and water, and mix with wooden spoon until the concrete is the texture of cake frosting.

    • 5

      Spray the inside of your latex leaf mold with vegetable oil, coating it evenly.

    • 6

      Scoop prepared concrete, using the wooden spoon, from the bucket and pack it into the leaf mold. Tap and shake the mold slightly to ensure that the concrete fills all areas of the mold and dislodges air bubbles.

    • 7

      Scrape away excess concrete around the edges of the mold and allow it to dry for four to six hours.

    • 8

      Peel the latex leaf mold away from the concrete and set it aside.

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      Repeat the process for each leaf desired.