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How to Hang & Mount Art on an Unframed Canvas

There are a few different options to choose from when mounting and hanging unframed canvas artwork. Using a wire to hang the art is always a choice, however installing a wire hanger can damage the artwork. The safest, easiest way to hang and mount unframed art on canvas is to use J-hooks; the number you use depends on the size and weight of the canvas. Push pins can be substituted for small, lightweight art pieces done on canvas board but will not be as sturdy.

Things You'll Need

  • J-hooks
  • Stud finder
  • Drill with 1/4-inch bit
  • Plastic anchors
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      Determine the size of J-hooks needed to mount the artwork. The size of the J-hooks depends on the width and weight of the canvas. Large canvas art, more than three feet wide, may need more than two J-hooks to properly hold the piece.

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      Determine where the artwork should be mounted on the wall. Artwork should generally be hung at eye level for maximum visual benefit. The J-hooks will be positioned -- at minimum -- in the bottom two corners of the canvas.

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      Use the stud finder to locate studs in the wall for heavier canvas art or use the drill to drill holes for the anchors to support the extra weight. Insert the anchors into the drilled holes.

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      Screw the J-hooks into the wall or into the anchors. Insert the J-hook completely prior to use. Rest the unframed canvas art on the J-hooks.