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How to Hang Horseshoes

According to legend, Saint Dunstan nailed horseshoes to the Devil's feet and agreed to remove it only if the Devil promised never to enter a home with a horseshoe over the home. Whether you want to keep in your good luck, ward off bad luck, keep away fairies or even send the devil running, European and North American superstition says hanging a horseshoe in your home is the way to keep yourself safe. Whether you hang it heels up or heels down, hanging horseshoes over your doors will bring good luck.

Things You'll Need

  • Horseshoe
  • Level
  • Hammer
  • Nails
  • Ladder
  • Pencil
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      Choose where you want to hang your horseshoe, and what direction it will face. Although some traditions say if you hang a horseshoe heels down, with the arch at the top and the opening at the bottom, the good luck will run out, other traditions say that hanging it this way will cause the good luck to pour out into your home. Ultimately, it's your decision as to what will look best.

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      Climb the ladder and hold the horseshoe in the desired location.

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      Use a level over the heels of the shoe (the open side) to determine that the shoe is level. Mark the nail holes with a pencil once the shoe is level.

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      Nail the shoe in place, starting with the topmost holes. Place as many nails as desired, making sure the shoe is held firmly in place.