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How to Read a Backwards Clock Dial

The directional movement of hands on clock dials is so standardized around the world that the terms "clockwise" and "counterclockwise" are used to denote specific directional-types of spiraling movements. However, there is no reason why a clock must run in this direction, as it can just as easily be geared to move in a counterclockwise direction. Reading a backwards clock dial may take some getting used to, but the fundamentals are the same as reading a regular clock.


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      Look at the hour hand on the dial. The numbers are written in the same order as on a regular clock, but they should be read in a counterclockwise order. The 12 will still be on the top and the six will still be on the bottom. Some reverse clocks have the numbers written backwards, as they would appear in a mirror. If you have too much trouble reading the backwards numbers, count the numbers -- starting with the one on the left of the 12 -- until you reach the number of the hour. The hour will be whatever number is behind the hour hand, in a counterclockwise direction.

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      Look at the minute hand. Like the hour hand, the minute hand should be read in a counterclockwise direction. Each letter represents five minutes; just as it does on a regular clock, so if the minute hand is pointing towards the 10, this represents 50 minutes.

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      Measure elapsed time by keeping in mind that the clock hands will turn counterclockwise, not clockwise. If at first you have trouble, remember to look at the actual numbers that the hands are pointing towards, instead of automatically looking at their position.