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Cute Ideas for Girls' Desks for Bedrooms

Adding a desk to your daughter's bedroom creates a dedicated space for her to complete homework assignments and study for exams. However, while it is an important functional furniture item, her desk can still add a fun, decorative element to the room. Even if you are using an inexpensive or older desk that is beginning to show signs of wear and tear, you can embellish the item so it brings flair to the room and your daughter actually enjoys spending time at it.
  1. Color Blocking

    • One of the easiest ways to decorate a desk for your daughter’s room is to paint it. However, painting it in a solid shade doesn’t offer the most unique or eye-catching look. Instead, choose two or more contrasting shades and create a color blocking effect for the desk. If your daughter is a fan of pink, paint the top of the desk in a baby pink shade and use a magenta color for the legs. You can add a third color, such as white, black or purple, for the drawer fronts and pulls. Pairing white with primary shades like red, yellow and blue can create a fun look for a younger girl. For a teenager, a black and white combination can provide a sophisticated look.


    • Stencils are a fun way to add personality and flair to your daughter’s desk. They are available in a variety of shapes and patterns, so you can choose a design that matches your daughter’s bedroom theme or interests. Hearts, flowers, stars and polka dots are fun, generic designs that can work for a girl’s room. When using stencils, you can leave the desk with a natural wood finish or paint it with a base color that contrasts with the shades that you’ve chosen for the stencils. If your daughter prefers a simple look, place the stenciled design only on the desk’s drawer fronts. For a more elaborate look, create a design that covers the entire desktop and drawers.


    • To add a fun, feminine detail to your daughter’s desk, embellish it with fabric. You can use fabric to decorate a wooden desk, but it also works for other materials, such as plastic or metal. For older girls, you can have a piece of glass cut to fit the top of the desk to protect the fabric from stains. Choose a pattern that matches your daughter’s bedroom decor and use it to cover a heavy piece of cardboard that is the same size as the desktop. When the fabric-covered cardboard is in place, you can set the glass over it and the desk instantly has a more decorative look. If you are concerned about having a heavy piece of glass in a younger girl’s room, create a ruffle from your chosen fabric that will fit around the entire edge of the desk and secure it at the back. A ruffle provides a soft, sweet look to an otherwise utilitarian furniture item.


    • Decoupage is a fun, easy technique that allows you to customize the look of your daughter’s desk. It uses cut paper items to decorate objects, so you can choose any paper-based items to decorate the desk that you like. Family photos, magazine images, wrapping paper, ticket stubs and postcards are all ideal materials. You can even use thin fabric pieces. Once your daughter has chosen the materials for the desk, apply a decoupage adhesive product to the back of the items and press them into place on the desktop. Cover the entire surface with the chosen items, and finish with a decoupage top coat to seal and protect the design.