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How to Grow Succulents on a Wall

Succulents require little water and can grow in a relatively small amount of space and soil. Succulents are available in all shapes and sizes, but those that are smaller and more compact are better suited for wall art applications. A succulent wall is a way to create your own art without needing any talent for drawing or painting.

Things You'll Need

  • Succulent cuttings
  • Wood frame or crate
  • Wire mesh or chicken wire
  • Potting soil
  • Staple gun
  • Mounting hardware
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      Acquire small cuttings of succulent plants you like by either purchasing them from a garden center or cutting them yourself off established plants. All of the cuttings should be about the same size.

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      Find a container suitable for your wall garden: a shallow wooden crate or an assembled wooden frame. Build a frame yourself, or buy one from a nursery dedicated to succulents.

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      Staple a piece of chicken wire or wire mesh over the frame.

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      Fill the frame with potting soil by pouring it through the wire.

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      Place your cuttings into the holes in the mesh. Place them close to each other so they will grow together and hold in place over time. Create patterns out of different succulent types, or place them randomly. Fill in the spaces between the succulents with moss to hide the soil.

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      Allow the succulents to grow in the frames on a flat surface for at least six weeks so the roots will take hold and keep the plants in place once you hang the frame or box.

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      Mount your vertical garden on a wall either using the hardware from a frame kit, or L-shaped brackets appropriate to the weight of your finished piece.