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How to Hang a Grocery List on a Nonmagnetic Fridge

The entire point of a nonmagnetic fridge is to reduce clutter; it forces you to find somewhere else to display birthday cards, family photos and children’s art for all the world to see. But some things, such as a grocery lists, really do need to be front and center so you can add items as you think of them -- otherwise you may never get a replacement for that empty jar of peanut butter someone left in the pantry.

Things You'll Need

  • Reusable adhesive
  • Sheet-shaped magnet
  • Hot glue gun
  • Gaffer or painter’s tape
  • Double-sided tape
  • Hook-and-loop fastener
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      Knead three to five pieces of reusable adhesive in your hand until they’re pliable and warm, then stick them to the back of your grocery list notepad and press the notepad onto the fridge. The heavier the list is, the more reusable adhesive you’ll need; you can even use this method to hang a light dry-erase board, although this trick works best with notepads that you can simply rip a sheet off of to take the list with you.

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      Purchase a sheet-shaped magnet -- available from many craft stores -- and use a glue gun to attach it to the front or side of your refrigerator. This creates a limited magnetic space where you can hang items like your grocery lists, without turning your entire refrigerator into a clutter bomb. Consider the magnet placement carefully and treat this as if it were a permanent solution, because chipping the hot glue off will be extremely difficult.

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      Create several loops of gaffer tape or painter’s tape, sticky sides out, and stick them to the back of the notepad you’re using for your grocery list. Position the loops so they run side-to-side, instead of up-and-down, so the list is less likely to slide down if the loops shift. This solution is only appropriate for light notepads; you won’t have much luck taping dry-erase boards to your refrigerator. You can also use double-sided tape, but it’ll be harder to remove and is more likely to leave residue.

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      Use hot glue or the adhesive of your choice to secure a broad strip of hook-and-loop fastener to the refrigerator; use the “hook” side. Attach the “loop” side of the fastener to the back of your grocery list notepad or dry-erase board, using double-sided tape or glue. You can hang the list -- or anything else -- on your fridge by slapping the two strips of fastener together, and then you can pull them apart when it’s time to take the list shopping.