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How to Machine Quilt Table Runners

The best way to machine quilt a table runner is to use the stippling technique. Stippling makes the table runner relatively flat, which is an asset if you plan to set food dishes, vases or other arrangements on top. Stippling flattens quilts because the stitched lines are not very far apart and the batting does not have room to fluff. Even without the fluff, stippling can create a rich texture to your quilted table runner.

Things You'll Need

  • Table runner quilt sandwich, pin basted
  • Sewing machine
  • Quilting thread
  • Darning foot
  • Scissors
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  1. Machine Set Up

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      Remove the presser foot (or other attachment) from your sewing machine. These remove easily by simply unscrewing the attachment around the needle fixture.

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      Screw the darning foot into place. Refer to your sewing machine manual for specific instructions. Most simply screw into the same place as the presser foot.

    • 3

      Thread the machine as usual. If you have never threaded the machine before, refer to its manual. Improper threading can cause jams, thread breaks and needle breaks.

    • 4

      Lower or cover the feed dogs. Feed dogs are the small teeth you see under the sewing machine needle area. These teeth automatically pull your fabric through. These need to be disabled so that you can have control of the quilting. Most lower by sliding a lever on the back of the sewing machine. Refer to your sewing machine manual for specifics if you have never lowered or covered the feed dogs before.

    Stipple Quilting

    • 5

      Turn on the sewing machine.

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      Set the stitch width and length to zero. You will control this manually by feeding the fabric through.

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      Raise the needle and darning foot on your sewing machine. Lift the foot with the small lever on your machine. Refer to the manual to locate it. Raise the needle by manually turning the sewing machine's wheel until the needle is lifted.

    • 8

      Position the lower left corner of the sandwiched project beneath the needle. Lower the darning foot.

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      Stitch a small open loop design beginning in the left corner by pushing the quilt sandwich through with your hands. Do not close the loop.

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      Stitch up and around the first loop pattern, making certain never to close the loop. Keep each layer of loops close to the other, about 1/8 to 1/4 inch apart. Continue stitching up and around each previous loop layer until the entire project has been quilted.

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      Finish table runner with your chosen method of binding.