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How to Make Concrete Inlay Jewelry

Concrete is commonly used as a construction material but can also be used as a crafting material to create decorative concrete-inlay jewelry. Concrete-inlay jewelry looks both rugged and natural, making it well-suited to create pendants, rings or bracelets that will complement a rustic-style wardrobe. Fine-grit quick-set concrete is inexpensive and available at any hardware store.

Things You'll Need

  • Sheet silver, 1 mm thick
  • Sheet metal snips
  • Measuring tape
  • Square silver wire, 5 mm
  • Soldering flux with brush
  • Terra cotta brick
  • Acetylene welding torch
  • Solder
  • Fine-grit quick-set concrete
  • Bowl
  • Craft stick


    • 1

      Cut out a 1- to 2-inch piece in any shape from sheet silver using sheet metal snips. This shape will be the backing of the jewelry pendant.

    • 2

      Cut a piece of square silver wire to the same measurement as the perimeter of the sheet silver shape and form the wire around the edges of the shape. Keep the square silver wire flat against the edges of the sheet silver shape.

    • 3

      Paint soldering flux onto the square silver wire and edges where the wire meets the sheet silver shape.

    • 4

      Place the form onto a terra cotta brick, apply heat using an acetylene welding torch while applying solder to the seam where the square silver wire meets the sheet silver shape. Allow the pendant form to cool for one hour.

    • 5

      Combine 1 teaspoon of fine-grit, quick-set concrete in a bowl with 1 teaspoon water. Stir the mixture well with a craft stick.

    • 6

      Pour it into the pendant form you created from the sheet silver. Fill the form to the top.

    • 7

      Allow the quick-set concrete to cure and set for four to six hours. Do not touch the concrete as it cures.

    • 8

      Turn the concrete-inlay pendant over and place a 5 mm silver pendant ring onto the top of the pendant.

    • 9

      Paint the seam where the silver ring meets the back of the pendant using soldering flux and heat the area with an acetylene welding torch while applying solder to the seam. Allow the pendant to cool for one hour.

    • 10

      Slide the concrete-inlay pendant onto a necklace to wear it.